Online Case Converter is a free online tool that converts any text to either sentence case, lower case, upper case, title case, capitalized case or reverse case.

Word: 0


Character: 0


Line: 0


How to use online case converter

Step 1: Paste or type your text inside the text box.

Step 2: Click on the botton according to your needs

Step 3: Now your text converted

Step 4: View your converted text on same text box

Step 5: You can check word count, cheracter count and line count also (optional)

Step 6: Now you can Copy texts by click on copy button

Text Transform Online

How to Easily Convert Text Between Uppercase, Lowercase, Capitalized Case, Sentence Case, Title Case and Reverse Text

Are you tired of manually converting text between uppercase, lowercase, capitalized case, title case and reverse case? Do you find yourself constantly retyping the same text in different cases? Look no further, as there is an easy and efficient way to convert text between different cases.

You may quickly and easily change any text's case to uppercase case, lowercase case, sentence case, capitalized case and title case with the web application. There are no downloads or registration fees associated with using this tool. Require web browser and internet access only for using this.

Visit the website at to change text case, then type the text you want to convert into the text box there. Then select the desired case from the options available below - uppercase case, lowercase case, sentence case, capitalized case and title case. When you have type or paste text then click on related button according to your needs. Your converted text will then show up in the same box.

It can be use on any type of devices, like desktop computers, laptops, tablets, & smartphones, and is compatible with all web browsers.

Teknowize text transform or case converter web app does have following salient features:

Small Text Generator

A small text generator is an online tool that generates shortened or compact variations of text input. It takes a longer text and condenses it while retaining its essence. These generators utilize algorithms to transform text into smaller, concise versions, often with creative formatting, symbols, or unique character arrangements.

Lower Case Converter

In the lower case converter, all the text that you have written will be converted to small letters.

Sentence Case Converter

In the sentence case converter, all the text that you have written will be converted to lower case, but the first character and the character after the full stop will always be in capital letters.

Upper Case Converter

In the upper case converter, all the text that you have written will be converted to capital letters.

Capitalized Case Converter

In the capitalized case converter, all the first characters of each word are converted to capital letters, and all the rest will be in small letters.

Title Case Converter

In the title case converter, all the first characters of each word are converted to capital letters, and all the rest will be in small letters.

Reverse Case Converter

In the reverse case converter, all the letters will show right to left instead of left to right. like reverse case converted - detrevnoc esac esrever

In conclusion, Teknowize online text transform is a useful online tool that can save you time and effort when it comes to converting text between different cases. Whether you need to convert text to uppercase case, lowercase case, sentence case, capitalized case and title case, Teknowize text tranform has got you covered. So, next time you find yourself manually retyping text, give Teknowize text tranform a try and see how it can simplify your life.

What is a Text Transform | Case Converters | Case Convertidor

A text transform web app is a software application that allows you to modify the appearance of your written text. This may entail altering the case of the letters, substituting different characters for some, or adding formatting like bold or italics. These tools are made to make it simpler for you to modify and improve your written work without having to perform each change by hand.

There are many different text transform tools available online, ranging from simple browser extensions to advanced software applications. Some need a subscription or one-time purchase charge, while some are available for free. It's critical to select the tool that best suits your demands because the features and functionalities of various programmes can differ greatly.

Benefits of Using a Text Transform or case converter Tool

You might want to utilise a text convert tool for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the most significant benefits:

  • Saves Time and Effort : Editing written text can be a time-consuming and tedious task. Many of the modifications you need to make can be automated with a text convert tool, saving you time and effort.

  • Enhances Readability and Clarity : You may make your writing simpler to read and comprehend by changing the way it looks. For example, converting all caps text to title case can make it easier on the eyes and more professional-looking.

  • Enhances Consistency : It's critical to maintain uniformity throughout a lengthy document or project. A text transform tool can help you ensure that all of your text follows the same formatting rules, so your work looks polished and professional.

  • Enables Creativity : By using different text transform tools, you can experiment with different fonts, styles, and formatting options to create unique and eye-catching designs.

Types of Text Transformations

There are many different types of text transformations you can make using a text transform tool. Here are some of the most common:

  • Case Conversion : This allows you to change the case of your text, such as converting all caps text to title case or sentence case. Your content will look more polished and be simpler to read as a result.

  • Capitalize text correctly : You can swap out one character for another with this feature. For correct capitalization, you may, for instance, swap out all instances of I for "I."

  • Formatting : You can use this to apply formatting to your text, such as bold, italics, underlining, or strikethrough. This can make your text stand out and draw attention to important information.

  • Spacing : This allows you to adjust the spacing between letters, words, or lines of text. This can make your text more visually appealing and easier to read.

Choosing the Right Text Transform web app

It can be challenging to pick the best text convert tool for your needs with so many options accessible. Here are some factors to consider when making your selection:

  • Features : Consider which types of text transformations you need to make and ensure that the tool you choose supports those features.

  • Easy of Use : Seek for a tool with a user-friendly interface that is simple to use.

  • Compatibility : Ensure that the tool you choose is compatible with the applications and devices you use for writing.

  • Price : Teknowize online text transform web app is there for free then why spend money to buy same type of online text trasform web application

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