Creating Interactive Charts with Highcharts and PHP

AuthorSumit Dey Sarkar

Pubish Date23 Apr 2023


In this tutorial we will learn how to Create Interactive Charts with Highcharts and PHP.


How to creating interactive charts with Highcharts and PHP

You may generate interactive and responsive charts for your web apps using the popular JavaScript charting package known as Highcharts.

The following is a list of the fundamental steps you can take to use Highcharts with PHP:

  1. Include Highcharts library: First, you need to include the Highcharts library in your web page. You can download the library from the Highcharts website or include it using a CDN link. For example:
<script src=""></script>


  1. Get your data ready: The data that you wish to show in the chart has to be prepared next. You can fetch the data from a database, API, or any other source using PHP.

  2. Create a chart container: You need to create a container element for your chart in your HTML page. For example:

<div id="chart-container"></div>


  1. Generate chart options: Now, you need to generate the chart options using PHP. The chart options define the type of chart, chart data, styling, and other configurations. The chart options can be used to build a PHP array, which can then be JSON-encoded using the json_encode() method. For example:
$chartOptions = array(
   'chart' => array(
      'type' => 'line'
   'title' => array(
      'text' => 'Monthly Sales'
   'xAxis' => array(
      'categories' => array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec')
   'series' => array(
         'name' => 'Sales',
         'data' => array(100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200)

$chartOptionsJSON = json_encode($chartOptions);


  1. Render the chart: Finally, you need to render the chart using JavaScript. You can use the Highcharts.chart() function to render the chart in the container element. For example:
var chartOptions = <?php echo $chartOptionsJSON; ?>;

Highcharts.chart('chart-container', chartOptions);


Now you can see your chart in the browser. This is just a basic example but You can customize the chart options and data as per your needs.


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