Laravel wherein Query Example

AuthorSumit Dey Sarkar

Pubish Date26 May 2023


In this tutorial we will learn Laravel wherein query example.


Laravel wherein Query Example

Laravel wherein Query Example

The powerful PHP framework Laravel provides a variety of tools for creating robust apps for the web. The ability to run database queries using the Query Builder is one of its primary features. In this article, we will explore the wherein query, a useful method provided by Laravel's Query Builder for filtering records based on multiple values in a single column.


Introduction to Laravel's wherein Query

The wherein query allows you to retrieve records from a database table where a specified column's value matches any of the given array or collection of values. It makes it easier to query for many values within a single column without manually writing intricate SQL queries.


Understanding the wherein Query Syntax

To use the wherein query, you need to specify the column you want to filter and an array or collection of values to match against. The basic syntax for the wherein query is as follows:

$users = DB::table('users')
            ->whereIn('id', [1, 2, 3])

The whereIn method is used in the example above to filter entries from the "users" table that match any of the values [1, 2, 3] in the "id" column. The get method retrieves the matched records.


Using the wherein Query with Single Column

The wherein query is particularly useful when you need to filter records based on a single column. For instance, if you want to retrieve all users with specific roles, you can use the whereIn method as shown below:

$users = DB::table('users')
            ->whereIn('role', ['admin', 'editor'])


In the above example, the whereIn method filters records where the "role" column matches either "admin" or "editor". This allows you to retrieve users with specific roles efficiently.


Filtering Records with Multiple Columns using wherein Query

The whereIn query is not limited to filtering records based on a single column. You can also use it to filter records based on multiple columns. Consider the following example:

$users = DB::table('users')
            ->whereIn('role', ['admin', 'editor'])
            ->whereIn('status', ['active', 'pending'])

In this case, the whereIn method is used twice. Both the first and second whereIn filters record instances where the "role" column matches either "admin" or "editor," and where the "status" column matches either "active" or "pending." This enables you to run more intricate queries with several limitations.


Advanced Usage of wherein Query with Subqueries

Laravel's wherein query also supports subqueries, enabling you to perform advanced filtering based on the results of another query. This can be useful when you need to filter records based on dynamic or complex conditions. Here's an example:

$activeUsers = DB::table('users')
                ->whereIn('id', function ($query) {
                        ->where('status', 'active');

In this example, the whereIn method accepts a closure that defines a subquery. The subquery selects "user_id" from the "orders" table where the "status" is "active." The whereIn query then retrieves users whose "id" matches the results of the subquery.


Combining wherein Query with Other Query Constraints

The whereIn query can be combined with other query constraints, allowing you to build more specific and targeted queries. For instance, you can use the where method to further filter records within the whereIn query. Consider the following example:

$users = DB::table('users')
            ->whereIn('role', ['admin', 'editor'])
            ->where('status', 'active')

In this example, the where method is used in combination with whereIn. It filters records where the "role" column matches either "admin" or "editor" and the "status" column is "active." This allows you to narrow down the results based on multiple conditions.


Performance Considerations for wherein Query

While the whereIn query provides a convenient way to filter records, it's important to consider its performance implications, especially when dealing with large datasets. When using whereIn, the database will execute a query with an IN operator, which can impact performance if the array of values is extensive.

To optimize performance, you can consider indexing the columns you frequently use with the whereIn query. Indexing can significantly improve query execution time by creating an index structure that allows for faster data retrieval.


Best Practices for Using wherein Query in Laravel

To make the most out of the whereIn query, consider the following best practices:

  1. Keep the array or collection of values concise to minimize query execution time.
  2. Use indexing on the columns involved in the whereIn query for better performance.
  3. Combine the whereIn query with other constraints to create more specific queries.
  4. Leverage subqueries when you need to perform complex or dynamic filtering.

By following these best practices, you can optimize the usage of the whereIn query and enhance the performance of your Laravel applications.


Examples of wherein Query in Real-World Scenarios

Let's explore a few real-world scenarios where the whereIn query can be beneficial:

  1. Filtering blog posts by multiple categories selected by the user.
  2. Retrieving orders placed by a list of preferred customers.
  3. Fetching products based on a list of selected tags.
  4. Filtering records by multiple locations or regions.

The whereIn query provides a flexible and efficient way to handle these scenarios and more.



The whereIn query in Laravel's Query Builder is a powerful tool for filtering records based on multiple values within a single column. It simplifies the process of querying and provides flexibility for various filtering requirements. By understanding its syntax and best practices, you can leverage the whereIn query effectively in your Laravel applications to retrieve data efficiently.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)


Que - Can I use the whereIn query with an Eloquent model instead of the Query Builder?

Ans - Yes, the whereIn query is available both in the Query Builder and Eloquent models. You can use it with Eloquent models by chaining the whereIn method directly on the model class.


Que - Is the whereIn query case-sensitive?

Ans - By default, the whereIn query is case-sensitive. If you need case-insensitive matching, you can convert the column values and the search array to a common case (e.g., lowercase) using the LOWER function or Laravel's Str::lower helper.


Que - Can I use the whereIn query with a database other than MySQL?

Ans - Yes, the whereIn query is supported by various databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and SQL Server. However, depending on the database you're using, the syntax could change slightly.


Que - Can I use the whereIn query with an empty array of values?

Ans - Yes, you can use an empty array with the whereIn query. In such cases, the query will not return any matching records.


Que - How can I test the performance of the whereIn query in my application?

Ans - You can use Laravel's built-in query logging functionality to log and analyze the executed SQL queries, including the whereIn queries. By examining the query execution time and optimizing where necessary, you can ensure optimal performance.

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