SEO course [Search Engine Optimization]

AuthorHariom Prajapati

Pubish Date02 Jul 2022


SEO course- The SEO [Search Engine Optimization] was born in 1991 and at this time first website was created but after created first website there are many websites was created under one to two years. So when there was many websites are created on internet that means there was lot of content available and all content was related to different field.

Just think, today we search anything on the internet, we can find it very easily through the search engine but when the website came new in the market and no one had any knowledge about SEO then the user had trouble accessing any content.

So, where is a problem there is a solution.

Then access to the content required structure and accessibility.

In this, the search engine was Introduced. Today the most popular search engine is Google, but the first Yahoo search engine was introduced.

After this, the real SEO game started in 1996 when larry page & brin built a successful search engine which is very popular now its name was backrub and now we all know it as Google.

Search Engine Optimization is not complicated in the past but today it is very complicated and difficult to understand.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process which used to increase the number of visitors to our website by improving ranking in the search engine results

 On page SEO use to relates the content on your websites. 

 Technical SEO use to not relates content element of your website.

  Off page SEO use to improve ranking of your website by sharing content at any platform , by creating backlink or by increase website speed etc.


Onpage SEO consist of all the HTML element which related to search engine Optimizer for ranking our website like meta tag heading tag etc.

Note:- Don't ignore onpage SEO because it is most important SEO type for ranking your website

One time setup:-

In one time setup you need to do some task which exist for full website like https/SSL.

once in a while:-

In once in a while you need to do some task for each webpage in a website like title description Canonical tag URL etc, because all webpage have different title , description etc.

Some of the On-Page SEO factor's

Website should be crawlable, User friendly URLs, Well targeted content Keyword optimization, Readablity, and UX CTR Mobile friendliness Quality outbound links Website structure

Note:- If u follow above on-page seo factors then you definitely rank on position one to ten.


Now let us see how Google search engine actually works



You need to add your website in Google search console for indexing or ranking.

Follow this steps to add website to Google search console:-

Step 1- Open your web browser and type 'Google search consol' Then click on the link which shown in below figure


Step 2- Now click on Start now


Step 3- Now log in with Gmail account or you need to create new account.


Step 4- After sign in you need to add your website by domain name or by pasting URL of you website in URL prefix.


Step 5- Now you will see a file which you will have to download and put in the root folder of your website.

Step 6- After that your website will be added to Google Search Console.


Title- In the title you have to add the main keyword which you used while writing the article. Keywords must start at the beginning to rank well

Description- Keywords must start at the beginning like title to rank well.

H1 tag- The h1 tag is very important because with the help of the h1 tag, we can tell Google what our article is actually about.So in H1 tag you need to add main keyword bery carefully.


If you have similar content in different urls then you need to use Canonical tag to specify which content is main content and it help to index your page.

It is most important for SEO because if you're not using Canonical tag for your all web pages then, if anyone copy your content from website and paste it on their website and use Canonical tag for this particular content then your content is under copyright content because Google think that the content you written is duplicate.

Canonical tag written as :-



Sitemap is a list of all the pages present in your website. Site map help crawler to find out your web page easily for crowling but if your website have some webpages then you don't need sitemap but it is good practice to use sitemap.

Sitemap looking like:-


See the sitemap of any website by:-


To create sitemap you need to search 'XML sitemap generator' in search engine. then there are many website on internet which provide free sitemap generator so, you need to select any one from these.

After click on selected website you need to write domain name and then click on create sitemap.



The robot.txt file tells the crawler which pages of the website to visit and which page do not visit.

We use robot.txt file because our website has many such pages which we do not need to index, such as sign in login pages etc.

WHAT IS .htaccess FILE

The .htaccess file is a most useful and powerful website file which control high level of configuration of our website.

The .htaccess file allow us to change our website's configuration without edit server configuration file.

we discuss about .htaccess file  in next tutorial


Domain authority

-Domain Authority is developed by MOZ. -Google has no connection with Domain Authority -Score range of domain authority is between 0 to 100. -If your domain authority is high, then you will have a lot of chances of coming on rank one to ten in search results. -Domain authority base on the link profile.

Page authority

-Page authority is also developed by MOZ. -Score range of page authority is between 0 to 100. -Page authority score depend on domain authority. -It is also based on link profile.


Always try to create SEO friendly URL as it is best for SEO. Actually SEO friendly URL means that the file name you write should be related to your article.

For example:-


 Alt text use in image tag.

 Alt text (alternative text) is also known as 'alt attribute' or 'alt description'.


Importance of alt text

 Alt text will shown in the place of an image if that particular image is not found or deleted. 

 Alt tag provide image description to search engine crawler for index an image property.


SSL certificate is always need for ranking your website in the search engine result page (SERPs).

Now you have one question in your mind that how to use SSL certificate? Actually SSL certificate is a certificate which say that your website is secure. so you need to buy SSL certificate from any web hosting provider available in the market.


 Don't do this 9 blogging mistakes click here to read 
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