Advanced Computer Questions and Answers

AuthorSumit Dey Sarkar

Pubish Date28 Mar 2023


Question: How does a computer store information?

Answer: A computer stores information in binary code, which is a series of 1s and 0s. The electrical signals used to represent these 1s and 0s can be stored on magnetic discs, solid-state drives, and other kinds of storage media. A computer reads the electrical signals and transforms them back into the original data when it wants to retrieve the data. The capacity of a computer's storage devices determines how much data it can hold.


Question: How does a computer execute a program?

Answer: A computer executes a program by first loading it into its memory. The program is then interpreted or compiled into machine code, which is a series of instructions that the computer's processor can understand. These instructions are read by the processor, which then carries them out by carrying out various operations including arithmetic, logic, and input/output activities. Once the program has been fully executed, the computer may store any relevant output back onto its storage device.


Question: What distinguishes a worm from a virus in terms of computer security?

Answer: Malicious software can affect computers by infecting them with viruses and worms, although they spread in different ways. A virus requires a host program to infect other files, while a worm can spread on its own through a network or the internet. Furthermore, whereas worms can propagate automatically, viruses frequently require user input, such as opening an infected email attachment or downloading a file from a malicious website. In terms of damage, both can cause serious harm to a computer system and its data.


Question: What is a computer network?

Answer: An interconnected system of computers known as a computer network allows for communication and the sharing of resources including files, printers, and internet access. Computer networks can be as small as two computers connected by a cable or as large as the internet, which connects millions of computers around the world. Networks can be classified by their geographic scope (LAN, WAN, MAN), topology (star, mesh, bus), and communication protocol (TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP).


Question: What is cloud computing?

Answer: Delivering computer services, such as servers, storage, databases, software, and networking through the internet is known as cloud computing. Cloud computing enables users to access these resources remotely from any location with an internet connection, as opposed to hosting them on local servers or individual computers. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) are just a few of the service types that cloud computing companies frequently offer, along with deployment patterns including public, private, and hybrid clouds.


Question: What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

Answer: Artificial intelligence (AI) is the emulation of human intelligence in computer programmes that are designed to carry out operations that traditionally call for human intellect, such as language comprehension, problem-solving, learning, and problem-solving. AI technologies include machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, and expert systems. AI has numerous applications, including speech recognition, image and video analysis, autonomous vehicles, fraud detection, and personalized medicine.


Question: What is a computer virus?

Answer: A computer virus is a sort of harmful software (malware) that spreads to other files and systems on a computer by reproducing itself. Computer viruses can steal personal information or attack other computers in addition to harming files, software, and hardware. Common ways that viruses spread include opening infected email attachments, downloading files from untrusted sources, and visiting infected websites. Users should use antivirus software, update their operating system and applications, and exercise caution when opening email attachments and downloading files from dubious sources in order to protect themselves from viruses.


Question: What is encryption?

Answer: Data is encoded using encryption so that only those with the proper access can read it. Sensitive data, like passwords, credit card numbers, and personal information, are protected using encryption to prevent access by unauthorised people. Encrypted data can only be read with a decryption key, which is typically held by the authorized recipient. Encryption techniques can vary in complexity, from simple substitution ciphers to advanced algorithms that use complex mathematical functions to scramble data.


Question: What is virtual reality (VR)?

Answer: Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that enables people to feel as though they are physically present in a computer-generated world. Wearing a headset or other equipment that delivers a visual and/or auditory experience, as well as sensors that track the user's motions and modify the virtual environment in accordance with those movements, are typical components of VR. VR has a wide range of uses, including teaching, education, treatment, and gaming.


Question: What is machine learning?

Answer: Building algorithms that can learn from and make predictions based on data is the focus of the artificial intelligence (AI) discipline of machine learning. Large datasets can be analysed for patterns and relationships using machine learning algorithms, which can subsequently be used to forecast or decide on new data. Common applications of machine learning include image and speech recognition, fraud detection, recommendation systems, and predictive maintenance.


Question: What is a computer processor (CPU)?

Answer: The "brain" of a computer is a computer processor, commonly referred to as a central processing unit (CPU). The CPU is responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations in a computer system. The CPU has one or more processing cores, each of which has the capacity to manage numerous execution threads concurrently. Clock speed (measured in cycles per second) and core count are commonly used to determine CPU performance.


Question: What is a computer graphics card (GPU)?

Answer: A graphics processing unit (GPU), usually referred to as a computer graphics card, is a specialised processor made to handle demanding graphical operations. The GPU is responsible for rendering images, videos, and animations in a computer system, and can offload many graphics-related tasks from the CPU. Gaming, video editing, and scientific computing are just a few of the uses for GPUs. The number of cores, clock speed, and memory bandwidth used to describe GPUs.


Question: What is a computer motherboard?

Answer: A computer motherboard is the main printed circuit board (PCB) in a computer that connects and controls all of the other components. For parts such the CPU, RAM, storage devices, expansion cards, and input/output (I/O) devices, the motherboard offers connectors and slots. It also contains a chipset that manages communication between the various components, as well as BIOS firmware that controls the computer's startup process and hardware settings.


Question: What is a computer operating system (OS)?

Answer: An operating system (OS) is a piece of software that administers and regulates a computer system's fundamental operations. The OS manages system resources like memory and storage, offers a user interface for interacting with the computer, and permits applications to operate on the device. The three most popular operating systems are Windows, macOS, and Linux.


Question: What is a computer file system?

Answer: An operating system uses a computer file system to handle and arrange files on a storage device, like a hard disc or flash drive. Users can arrange and access their files using the hierarchical directory structure offered by the file system. It also manages file access permissions and can support features such as file compression, encryption, and indexing. File systems like NTFS, FAT32, and HFS+ are often used.


Question: What is cloud computing?

Answer: Instead of having those resources physically located on their own devices, cloud computing allows users to access computer resources through the internet. Cloud computing services can include applications, storage, processing power, and other resources. Instead of having to buy and maintain their own gear and software, users often pay for cloud computing services on a subscription basis.

Scalability, flexibility, and cost savings are just a few advantages of cloud computing.


Question: What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

Answer: Building algorithms and systems that can carry out operations that would ordinarily need human intellect, such as speech recognition, picture interpretation, and decision-making, is the focus of the area of artificial intelligence (AI), a subfield of computer science. Machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics are some of the subfields of AI. Many technologies, such as driverless vehicles, virtual assistants, and medical diagnosis, use artificial intelligence.


Question: What is the internet of things (IoT)?

Answer: The internet of things is a system of networked gadgets, sensors, and other items that can converse and share information online (IoT). IoT gadgets can range from self-driving cars and industrial sensors to smart thermostats and fitness monitors. The IoT enables devices to exchange data and coordinate their operations, opening up new applications and boosting productivity across a variety of industries.

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